How to use teamviewer even if pc is locked
How to use teamviewer even if pc is locked

If a password is set on the remote computer, you can choose to log in automatically. Additionally, you can add this remote computer to your address book (not available for all licenses). All you need to do is set a password in the “Security” tab of the AnyDesk account. Next, you’ll want to set a computer name and password for the remote computer. AnyDesk is cross functional and available for Windows, ManOS, Linux, and other popular platforms.

how to use teamviewer even if pc is locked

Depending on your web browser, downloading will begin automatically or you will be prompted to select a course of action. You can download the latest version of AnyDesk on our website. How To Set up Unattended Access With AnyDesk 1. All you need to do is set a password in the “Security” tab of your work computer’s AnyDesk settings and you’re ready to work from home. Similarly, if you’re a professional who wants to access your work computer from your laptop at home, unattended access makes it possible. This enables support teams to provide quick and efficient remote support as well as streamline company-wide security updates and installs. Its benefits enable users like IT support to access customer devices any time, even if the customer is not around. This is useful when the program is used to provide or receive assistance without using your device battery to keep it running in the background.ĪnyDesk’s unattended access feature is one of the most used functionalities by users. AnyDesk is also available as a mobile application so you don’t have to set up any software in order to use it.

how to use teamviewer even if pc is locked

When it comes to frame rate, latency, data transfer and frame size score, AnyDesk is ranked as one of the top performers in the space according to independent benchmark reports by PassMark Software and ScienceSoft.ĪnyDesk’s remote access software offers many beneficial features like file transfer, remote printing, session reporting, customizable security controls and more. While there are several remote access software solutions available, AnyDesk has some of the best performance features on the market. Selecting the Right Unattended Remote Access Solution

how to use teamviewer even if pc is locked

Whether you’re a professional looking to access files on-the-go or an IT manager looking for a way to streamline support tickets, unattended access can increase accessibility of your remote devices. By installing lightweight remote access software onto your devices, you can set up unattended access for various uses. With unattended remote access, users have the ability to set up a remote control session on a computer, tablet or mobile phone without needing someone in front of the remote device to accept the connection.

How to use teamviewer even if pc is locked